SETSPEED or SLOMO = Sets the speed of the game. THEMATULAAKLIVES = You become invincible (also known as 'God mode') SUICIDE = Kill yourself (now why would you want to do that?) GHOST = You can walk through walls, and fly. To be able to enter these codes, type the tilde character ("~").įLY = You now can fly, ie.

So I admit it, in frustration I turned to 'the list'. He was just standing there with his sniper gun, aiming without firing. I tried to do everything fair, but unfortunately in the first game Sev didn't want to shoot Sun Fac when he was supposed to. So, if you want to maintain a perfect Jedi, look away! (For me it's too late.

True Jedis don't cheat, but these Star Wars Republic Commando cheats are here for you if you feel weak.